Kaweka Hospital

Brand design for new Hawke's Bay Hospital.


Logotype + design

Kaweka Hospital is a new state-of-the-art hospital facility in Hastings.

They required a logo that would encapsualte both the hospital, the area n which it is located and the srtong Māori connection.

The stylized ‘K’ of our brand mark is representative of our people, our land and our region). The symbol of tuakana-teina, which refers to the relationship between an older person (tuakana) and a younger person (teina), drawn from Te Ao Māori – the Māori world. The Kaweka Ranges has three main awa (rivers) Tūtaekurī, Mōhaka, and Ngaruroro. Therefore this logo also represents the three awa (rivers) flowing past the maunga of Kaweka. The maunga represents the whare (the hospital), and the three lines represent our people (Kaweka Staff and board), our Shareholders and partners and our community, he tangata, the people.

Credit: Project in association with Many Hats

Brand Extension

When the 'K' brandmark is turned on its side it forms the 3 geographical aspects of the brand - 1. Sky, air and clouds 2. The Kaweka Mountain Range 3. The 3 rivers running past the maunga of Kaweka. This can also extend the design to form a repeating pattern which has been designed to be applied to hospital windows and for potential use internally.